Why Should You Leave the Microwave Door Open (For 2 Minutes) After Use?

The problem is that if you close the door after use, they remain trapped. And the next time we need to use the oven, we open the door. And presto the old scents hit us in the face. It’s not very pleasant, nor very clean! The reflex to have is to leave the door open to evacuate bad odors .

Of course, you can also quickly and effortlessly clean the microwave with just a bowl of water and half a lemon. If there was a splash of tomato sauce, it’s worth doing it right away. But if you don’t have the time (or the desire), just leave the door open for 2 minutes.

Your oven thus remains clean and free of unpleasant odors. A microwave without bad odors! And there you have it, now you know why it is best not to close the door immediately after using your oven. 2 minutes are enough to get rid of odors from your easy recipes prepared in the microwave .

And this avoids damaging the parts of your device which could tend to rust due to humidity. It is therefore a good reflex to have so that it works well for a long time. Of course, don’t try to run it with the door open.

Your turn…

And you, do you have the habit of leaving the microwave door open after use? Tell us in the comments to find out if it was effective for you. We look forward to reading you!





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